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Fri 3rd Oct
8:00 pm
10:00 pm
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Ad Up is a one-day event day that will test the limits of even the best ad men and women. Think ad2 meets startup weekend, but smaller and with some tweaks.

What is it?
This event is a friendly challenge pitting the top local advertising agencies against each other in a competition for the greater good. The agencies will compete for the best pitch based on their campaign concept for one of three lucky, pre-selected non-profit organizations. The teams get the opportunity of completing their campaign and pitch prep in an intense 12-hour period with all their blood, sweat, and tears going toward a good cause. The Ad Up winner will be selected by a panel of judges and criteria will be posted on [--link coming soon--].

How does it work?
Team Captains (ad execs from local power advertising agencies) are invited to a Friday night mixer to meet and greet the other teams and folks from the industry to get the event underway. This is a casual get together meant for networking and camaraderie but is also an opportunity for team's to round out their talent by mingling with professionals in attendance that are interested in participating.

The festivities really pick up on Saturday morning when several pre-selected non profits get the opportunity to pitch their cause to the all star ad executives and their hand picked teams. Non profits will then be matched up with the rockstar ad teams and begin the intense process of conceptualizing a marketing campaign for the non profit “client” with the deadline of 6:30pm that Saturday night.

During the day, while the ad teams are brainstorming, prepping their creative, writing copy, and storyboarding there will be a marketing conference held for nonprofits, teaching them about the basics of marketing and how to improve their organization's marketing efforts.

At the end of the day, at approximately 6:30 on Saturday, everyone reconvenes for food and drinks. Presentations will begin at 7:30. And of course, following the exciting pitches, there will be an after party celebration that you won't want to miss.

When is it?
October 3rd (for the Friday night ad mixer) and October 4th for the one-day event.

Where will it be held?
The Box Jelly: Hawaii's first co-working space located in Kakaako.

Does it cost anything?
TBD. We are working to keep the costs down as much as possible and are seeking corporate sponsors. The Ad teams will be on a volunteer basis.

How do I sign up?
To learn more, purchase a ticket for the marketing seminar or to attend the evening's pitches, go to [--link coming soon--].
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Sat 4th Oct
all day
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Ad Up is a one-day event day that will test the limits of even the best ad men and women. Think ad2 meets startup weekend, but smaller and with some tweaks.

What is it?
This event is a friendly challenge pitting the top local advertising agencies against each other in a competition for the greater good. The agencies will compete for the best pitch based on their campaign concept for one of three lucky, pre-selected non-profit organizations. The teams get the opportunity of completing their campaign and pitch prep in an intense 12-hour period with all their blood, sweat, and tears going toward a good cause. The Ad Up winner will be selected by a panel of judges and criteria will be posted on [--link coming soon--].

How does it work?
Team Captains (ad execs from local power advertising agencies) are invited to a Friday night mixer to meet and greet the other teams and folks from the industry to get the event underway. This is a casual get together meant for networking and camaraderie but is also an opportunity for team's to round out their talent by mingling with professionals in attendance that are interested in participating.

The festivities really pick up on Saturday morning when several pre-selected non profits get the opportunity to pitch their cause to the all star ad executives and their hand picked teams. Non profits will then be matched up with the rockstar ad teams and begin the intense process of conceptualizing a marketing campaign for the non profit “client” with the deadline of 6:30pm that Saturday night.

During the day, while the ad teams are brainstorming, prepping their creative, writing copy, and storyboarding there will be a marketing conference held for nonprofits, teaching them about the basics of marketing and how to improve their organization's marketing efforts.

At the end of the day, at approximately 6:30 on Saturday, everyone reconvenes for food and drinks. Presentations will begin at 7:30. And of course, following the exciting pitches, there will be an after party celebration that you won't want to miss.

When is it?
October 3rd (for the Friday night ad mixer) and October 4th for the one-day event.

Where will it be held?
The Box Jelly: Hawaii's first co-working space located in Kakaako.

Does it cost anything?
TBD. We are working to keep the costs down as much as possible and are seeking corporate sponsors. The Ad teams will be on a volunteer basis.

How do I sign up?
To learn more, purchase a ticket for the marketing seminar or to attend the evening's pitches, go to [--link coming soon--].
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The Box Jelly
Tue 9th Dec
12:45 pm
3:00 pm
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Fresh Cafe - Downtown