I recently had a discussion with Sam and Mary Cooke about serendipity and the reticular activator (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reticular_activating_system). Have you ever had an experience where you get into something and then all of a sudden notice that it’s all over?
e.g. You buy a Toyota Prius and now start noticing all the Prius cars on the road.
This is known as the reticular activator. Serendipity, according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serendipity) means a “fortuitous happenstance” or “pleasant surprise”. To me, it’s a fortunate stroke of unexpected lucky events. We seem to have a lot of these with Kokua.org (http://www.kokua.org/success/).
This leads me to ServiceSpace.org and Nipun Mehta. I’ve been wrestling with a clear way to explain certain aspects of what Kokua.org is about and just found some clarity when going through the site. Check it out and watch the videos below. You’ll understand what I’m talking about.
I really like the way he explains not fundraising, consumption to contribution, scarcity to abundance and transaction to trust. I reached out to Nipun via email and will update when/if he gets back to me.