The Law of Attraction and How to Use It

This is not a promotion for the book “The Secret” but it is a great example of the law of attraction. Napoleon Hill once said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” I’ve found this to be true over and over.

In our beta events we determine the root cause issues affecting us and then the solution needed. Using the law of attraction, it’s unbelievable what can happen in a short period of time. I believe that most issues can be solved by somebody, somewhere and a lot of time they are in the same room or within 2 degrees away. Bring the right people together, focus on solutions and problems melt away.
Read more Beta Event #3 recap

It’s pretty exciting to look back at our beta event #3 and see how far has come in a short period of time. This event had 30% more people than beta #2 had. We had people from different sectors come together with the common purpose to build relationships, collaborate and help each other solve problems. We had decision makers from business, non profit, government, education and the only area we are currently weak on is military participation which will be remedied at our beta event #4. Read more at the AFP Conference

The AFP Conference was our second attempt to engage a larger group and see how we can help. After going to the HANO Annual Conference with just Kari Leong and Ikaika Honda, we found that by not being inside the conference as a formal session, it was super draining on our energy to talk to everyone on a one on one basis. Although we got some good results from the HANO conference we knew that our energy was finite and limited. That’s when we decided to bring a group of 20+ people to the AFP Conference. Read more

Leadership: Profiles of Corporate Philanthropy

This report has great personal stories from leaders of corporate America and how they use their companies to make a difference in the community. If you are debating on what to implement and how it may impact your organization then hopefully this will give you some good ideas.

We probably did $800′ worth of painting, and we probably spent $10,000 dollars’ worth of management time and labor. Why should I feel good about all the value that I destroyed today?

Jim Koch
Samuel Adams

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Spreading Pronoia

From Wikipedia:
“Pronoia can be defined as the opposite of paranoia. A person suffering from paranoia suspects that persons or entities (e.g. governments/deities) conspire against them. A person enjoying pronoia feels that the world around them conspires to do them good.”

At, we are trying to spread pronoia. We believe this can be done by creating a giving community where everyone has each other’s back. They come together to help each other and when they leave they still try to help others in the group. See our success stories page and see some examples of how it works.

Let’s all focus on helping each other and spread pronoia!

How is Pro Bono Skills Based Volunteering Working?

The Taproot Foundation created a great report from intermediaries in January 2014 to get a better understanding of how pro bono skills based volunteering/consulting is doing, what’s holding it back and how it can improve.

One thing that stood out to me is the following statement:

Nonprofit readinessthe ability of a nonprofit partner to fully and effectively engage pro bono resources—-remains a concern for intermediaries who provide those resources: the most common reason for turning away a nonprofit applicant was that the intermediary did not think the nonprofit was prepared for pro bono in general or for the particular service they applied for.”

Looks like there’s still a lot of work to do to get organizations ready. Who’s up for the challenge?
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Giving in Thailand

This was sent to me by my friend Yuko Chiba who works at Enterprise Honolulu. It’s a great example of being a giver and what it can do for others. It’s also a great feel good ad but we’ll look past that. I tend to disagree that the only reward the guy gets is to feel good and happy emotions. What comes around go around. This can create a pronoia effect for him where people have him best interest in mind too. I don’t think he can send out that much good energy and not have some of it come back.